heii everybody up there, please enjoy this blog like your own home.



Tuesday, June 29, 2010

deg deg deg

gua sekarang punya rasa deg deg an lo ke seorang laki2,
akhirnya rasa itu dateng
udah kelamaan banget
tapi menyedihkan banget gua ga kenal dan ga bisa komunikasi
hei hei wahai kamu disana, ayo main.
ngiri liat mereka yang pada bisa seakrab itu, kenapa kita ga bisa ya?
bisa bisa in donggg !!!

makanya gaul sedikit dan mau terbuka dong,, ribet deh lu

ahhhhhhhhh sialan

yaks huwek najis
amit amit dahhh ga usah belagu kaya githu kali,
semua juga ada masa2nya dimana lu harus kelimpungan kaya githu tapi please deh ga usah lebai

gua jadi liatnya enek.
sumpah sikap kesombongan lu itu ga enak buat diliat apalagi diperhatiin, tapi masalahnya itu keliatan
biar gua udah usaha ga ngeliat juga tapi tetep keliatan

enyah napa lu dari muka gua, bagus kaga muka lu
sombong lu ajah yang lu gedein
sadar dong lu itu siapa, Tuhan ajah yang punya segalanya ga sombong kaya lu
baru dikasih sedikit ajah lu udah gede kepala
berasa apa sii lu??

Tuesday, June 15, 2010


bingung mau nulis apa nii,
tapi mau bikin blog baru penuh tapi cape ngetiknya .
oia cerita ajah dehhh !!!
gua itu daridulu pengin dehh jadi penulis tapi temanya itu yang susah buat dicari.
coba kasih ide donggggg !!!
kalo percintaan gua takut ga bisa, secara sendirinya ajah ga begitu akrab sama si cinta. hahaha
kalo fiksi2 githu khayalan gua kenapa mandek ya,
mau cari inspirasi dulu dehhhh,
ayo bantu2 yang mau kisahnya dibikin cerita.

Saturday, June 5, 2010


hari ini gua sendirian di kantor,
ya ampun kaya penunggu kantor ajah dahh.
katanya bala bantuan dari head office mau dateng tapi mana blom nongol2,
dengerinmusik ajah deh,
tapi untung nanti ketemu old friend yang bener2 best friend
sekarang lagi punya semangat yang bener2 gede buat jadi sukses lewat ORIFLAME nii.
ada yang mau dukung ga?
partisipasi githu,
biar kita bisa sukses bareng2,
enak lohh ikut bisnis oriflame,
ga kaya mlm yang jadul jadul dahhh ..
sekarang udahcanggih jamannya jadi oriflame juga ikutin perkembangan githu.
tapi biarpun jaman secanggih apa juga sebagai MLM ya butuh perjuangan buat jualinproduknya dan juga rekrut orang,
tapi karena kecanggihan teknologi itu bisa ngebantu kita banget.

eh eh kok jadi promosi lagi, hahhaaha
back to topic,
iya nii
tadinya berdua sama messsenger tapi dia kan punya kerjaan sendiri ngantern tiket lah, jadi pergi deh ninggalin gua.
terus ticketing yang harusnya masuk malah sakit jadi mendadak ga masuk,
bukan salah dia juga sii kalo sakit, lagi siapa yang mau sakit coba.
banyak yang nanya2 hotel lah, tiket lah, tour lah, gua ga ngertiiiiiiiiiiiiii ....
sayangnya gua ga ngerti, coba gua ngerti, antusias dehhh jelasin ke mereka .
kali antusias kalo nemu pelanggan yang enak mah, kalo nemu yang nyebelin mah bilang ajah kaga ngerti dehh ..
lagi dengerin paramore lagi, asik sekali .
coba denger donggg

Friday, June 4, 2010

hei hei why I like Paramore?
haduhhh pertama kali dikasih lagunya ama temen ga terlalu suka sii, tapi karena didengerin terus tiap hari,
eh eh kok jadi suka banget.
makin lama makin serius dengerin, taro di hape,
tiap mau tidur dengerin tapi kenapa ga bosenbosen. terus terus dengerin berharap bisa bosen tapi ga juga.
akhirnya nyerah ajah deh, emang gua suka berarti.
Mulai dari situ gua membabi buta cari video paramore, donlot2 lagunya, cari2 fotonya.
Udah punya banyak nii, kebayang dong gimana senengnya gua.
tonton terus tiap hari videonya, nyalain keras2 musiknya, eh eh pas udah berapa lama, lama lah itungannya
huhu, hard disk gua mati, ilang semuaaaaaa ..................
haaaaaaa nangis lah gua, cape dongg kita cari2, udah kesana kesini nyari2 dengan gampangnya ilang begitu saja.
gua memaki dalam hati tapi maki siapa, yang salah juga kita ga tau kan siapa, yang pake kompi banyak.
akhirnya gua bangun dari kesedihan itu gua dengan sabar cari lagi apa yang udah pernah gua dapet dulu, udah dapet lagi niiii ...
terus kaka gua gara2 marah sama gua cuma gara2 ga dipinjemin hape, konteksnya tuh hape lagi dipinjem temen gua buat hubungin adenya, dan kaka gua itu mau buru2 pergi juga, akhirnya karena temen gua itu belum selesai jadilah hapenya di dia, karena kesel data gua diapus ama dia ......
KESEL, GONDOK, nangis lagi gua.

Udah lama2 kita baikan lagi, kelar dahh perkara. gua donlot lagi dah tuhhh, ehhh ga tau kenapa dia pas gua lagi main komputer sama sodara gua dia pinjem komputernya, terus dia liat data2 gua, hadohhhhhh ama dia diapus di depan mata kepala gua .
Gua bingung dong,, terus secara gua perempuan gua masuk ajah ke kamar nangislah gua disana.
Nangis terus ya? hahaha
Yailah lu rasain ajah sendiri kalo lu suka banget ama sesuatu terus sesuatu itu ilang di depan mata kepala lu karena seseorang yang sengaja menghilangkannya, gimana coba?
Ibarat kata lu punya pacar, pacar yang bener2 lu sayang ya. terus pacar lu itu diajak selingkuh sama orang yang lu kenal dan dia mau (biasalah orang kalo diajak selingkuh kebanyakan mau) tapi mereka ga ngumpet2, mereka tunjukkin di depan lu, gimana rasanya? SAKIT KAN? NANGIS KAN? samaaaaaaaaa.
Tapi kalo ditunjukkin githu namanya selingkuh ga ya? haha. ya pokonya mirip2 githu dahhh.

sudah itu semenjak sering menghilangnya data2ku dari kompi, antisipasi dehh dengan cara burn semua data2 gua. hahahahahahaha
tapi begonya gua, masa DVD burningannya ilang .. Cape dehh !!
baru2 ini juga hard disk gua mati lagi, belom sempet di DVDkan lagi. Nasib nasib...

Thursday, June 3, 2010


ini nihhh foto full bandnya,

Source: http://www.paramore.net

Paramore, the rapidly emerging pop-punk quintet from Tennessee, has been building a near-deafening “next big thing” buzz. Driven by riveting live shows and the undeniable charisma of their frontwoman, 18-year-old Hayley Williams, they have captivated an increasingly rabid following. Confronted by the double-edged sword of overwhelming early praise, Paramore has risen to the challenge and recorded an album that happily delivers on all the claims made on their behalf. With their new Fueled By Ramen collection, “RIOT!,” they announce that they have the talent, the passion, and the songs to take themselves to the next level.

The band’s rise has been the result of consistent hard work since Hayley first met Josh Farro (guitar, age 20) and his younger brother Zac (drums, age 17) while they were together in school four years ago. After adding Jeremy Davis (bass, age 22), Paramore was formed in 2004. They played their first show in Nashville, and were soon building a local fanbase. After just a few months of gigging, the band had their first big break in early 2005, when Fueled By Ramen founder John Janick saw them at a gig in Florida. He was instantly struck by their presence and their dedication, and he immediately signed the band to the label. As Hayley says, “Fueled By Ramen has been amazing to us. So many kids started checking us out because our name is on their roster. It’s like a big family; we all share such a massive unit of fans.”

Upon the release of their debut album, “ALL WE KNOW IS FALLING,” in the summer of 2005, the music community began taking immediate notice of the band. The New York Times and Spin hailed the album, singling out Hayley as a star in the making. Nonstop touring throughout 2006 with bands such as Straylight Run and Simple Plan, combined with show-stealing festival performances at Warped and Bamboozle, continued to build the momentum. The year culminated with a sold-out headlining tour of North America in the fall of 2006, as well as successful tours of both Europe and Japan.

The accolades continued as 2006 came to a close. After an overwhelming response to a U.K. tour at the end of the year, Kerrang! readers voted Paramore as the “Best New Band” and Hayley as the #2 “Sexiest Female.” NME named Paramore one of the ten acts to watch in their “New Noise 2007” feature, proclaiming Williams as “young, articulate and with plenty to say.” Some bands would begin to get nervous with those kinds of accolades. Not Paramore. “I love getting all the ‘Next Big Thing’ notices,” says Hayley with a grin. Josh continues, “The first few years everything was new to us and we made a name for ourselves as a band in a lot of places. But with ‘RIOT!,’ we’re really ready to blow people’s minds.”

It only takes one listen to “RIOT!” to see the depth of the band’s growth in the past two years. Produced by David Bendeth (Hawthorne Heights, Red Jumpsuit Apparatus, Killswitch Engage), the music has taken on a richer, deeper, more intense tone, without sacrificing any of the melodicism that has been their trademark. As Hayley explains, “For us, the title ‘RIOT!’ literally means an unbridled outburst of emotions. When we were writing, it seemed like our thoughts and emotions were coming out so fast that we couldn’t control them. It felt like there was a riot within us. So the album takes our passion to a new level; it’s just all raw energy.”

That raw energy and passion is evident in “Misery Business,” a song that has its origins in a message Hayley put on the band’s Live Journal page, asking her fans to post what they’re ashamed of. “I found that people really were reaching out to someone to spill their guts to,” she recalls, “So I did the same thing lyrically in the song and let everything out. It’s more honest than anything I’ve ever written, and the guys matched that emotion musically.”

The wryly titled “For A Pessimist, I’m Pretty Optimistic” stems from what Josh reflects as “putting your faith in someone and they blow it.” But in the writing of the song, he saw that his faith in his bandmates was not misplaced: “I wrote the music specifically to be awesome live and to be extremely energetic. It all came out at once. I showed it to Hayley and she just nailed it lyrically. She completely got the feeling I wanted the song to have.” And “Hallelujah” serves as one of the album’s true anthems. As Hayley recounts, “It’s one of the oldest songs we’ve got, but we wanted to save it for this record, and it’s the perfect home for it. It’s a claim of victory for both ourselves and our fans.”

That connection with their audience is most evident in “Born For This,” a song that was specifically written for their fans. “We wrote it as a message to them,” Hayley explains. “They’re going to take us to the next level. Everything they’ve done has helped us so much… it’s really kept us going.” And to drive that point home, the band held an online contest for fans, with the winners getting to sing gang vocals on the song.

“Next big things” come and go, but it is obvious that Paramore has something special – both talent and staying power. “RIOT” is the band’s declaration of ambition, musical growth, and dedication. “We all have such a love and passion for this music,” says Josh. “We’re lucky to have made such a connection with our fans that we’re making a difference in their lives.” Hayley concludes, “We want everyone to hear this album. We want to take it as far as we can. ‘RIOT!’ is everything we ever wanted to say on one album. If it all ended today, this is what we’d want to be remembered for.”


nih liat kalo dia perform,,
suit suit
sudah tertarik?
blom ya? waduhhh coba liat videonya dehhhh ...
pas lagi perform sama suara di klip hahai samaaaaaa euyyyy,,,
yeay yeay PARAMORE,, love them so.

ini dia vokalisnya PARAMORE,
her name is Hayley Williams, wow so cute ..

suaranya.. ouhhhhhh mantapppp tenan,
kaga bisa tidur dahh mikirin gimana bisa jadi kaya dia,, hahaha
Apalagi ya kalo liat dia perform, OMG energicnya,
loncat kesana kesini suara kaga goyang,
hadooohhhh bingung bisa ada orang kaya dia.

Bersyukur jadi Hayley.